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You are not alone. 70% of dogs eat grass on a daily or weekly basis, a study finds. But you may still be wondering if could it be a sign of something abnormal.

  1. Poor Gut Health: Like humans, dogs have good and bad bacteria in their gut. If your dog has poor gut health, this can also cause other issues like licking paws, irritated skin, red ears, or excessive itching. Eating grass might be the instinctive way your dog is trying to combat its gut health. If you are noticing these other symptoms as well as eating grass, it might be time to invest in a pro-biotic chewable. There are many natural, reputable dog companies that have a great selection of supplements.
  2. Upset Tummy: There might be something in your dog’s digestive system that is causing irritation, and they are trying to help settle their stomach.
  3. Boredom: Just like humans, dogs are all different. When some dogs are bored, they chase their tails or chew furniture. Others, eat grass. If your dog is eating grass out of boredom, you may want to find some mentally stimulating dog toys to make them work smarter, not harder.
  4. It’s in their DNA: Dogs and wolves for centuries have been eating grass, and heck sometimes it’s all they could find to eat. While anything in excess should definitely be monitored, eating grass occasionally will not harm your dog.

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